Thursday, April 28, 2011

Growth Spurts Sucks, The Royal Wedding, Grocery Budget & Mud Galore

For the last couple of weeks, Aden & Evan, have pretty much done nothing but, eat, sleep & whine about being hungry.
Evan is the worst.  I think our grocery bill has just doubled, if not tripled.  This morning alone, Evan has had; 1 big bowl of Raisin bran, 1 banana, 1/2 can of mandarin Oranges and now he is eating peanut butter.  Shit, they've only been up 2 hours.  I went to get him dressed for school Tuesday, and his jeans that fit on Saturday, were too small!!!!!!!!  We just got him a new pair of shoes about 4 weeks ago, they are too small now too.  And this isn't one of those, he needs a 1/2 size bigger, which was in the past how it went.  He went from a size 8 to a size 9 1/2.  I am glad I had set some in that size aside for Aden who is still in a size 9.
And the shirts!!!!!  Omg, none of his shirts fit.  Even Aden's shirts are tight on him.  At this rate, we'll go broke this summer just keeping Evan in food & clothes.  Okay so its really not that bad, but still.  Does the putting a brick on their heads thing work??  I have some bricks laying around, maybe I should give that a try and see. 
Bill expects me to keep us on our budget.  How exactly am I supposed to do that??? We just got groceries, now we are going to have to go again, this weekend.  So much for shopping every two weeks.  They just ate two weeks worth of food in 4 days. AHHHHHHHHH
Okay, enough of that, moving right along.
The Royal Wedding.
Okay so, I must admit that I was sucked it.  But now, its starting to get a bit old.  I am happy for the royal couple, but I don't really care who they invited or what the seating chart is.  Really, I could care less, it doesn't affect me.  I am going to a wedding this summer, which I am pretty sure will be alot more fun.  That is the wedding I want to hear all about.  Seating, food, who's invited, who's wearing What...These are details that concern me and I can't hear enough about it.
It may also be that I don't know the royal couple.  But, obviously, I know the people who invited me to their wedding this summer. And this will be my first dress up shindig, since Aden was born.  And, this is my favorite part....Children ARE NOT Allowed, at the wedding!!!  Brilliant!!  Its like they read my mind and are doing this all for me:)  Isn't that sweet of them!
This couple is awesome and I know them and have no doubts that they will have a brilliant and completely wonderful life together.  Because they compliment each other!  I don't know the royal couple, so I have no ideas on whether or not their marriage will last, besides, it doesn't affect me. So the only wedding, I care about is the one I get to go to.  Oh and I will go.  If the sitter backs out, Bill can stay with the boys. I am still going.  I need a dress, and shoes, maybe earrings.  Oh my God! what will I do with my hair!  Now this is excitement!
I am sure you will hear more about the wedding from me at a later date.  I need to move on, tons to say and not much time to do it.
So, since I am freaking all out about what to plant where, the boys and I went outside yesterday to see what containers I have that will work.  They were supposed to help me.  That went about how you think it did.  I worked, they threw mud at each other, and at me.  Once they had relocated most of the mud, we came in.  Mistake.  Big Mistake.
I should have stripped them down in the yard and hosed them off, even though it was a little chilly for that.  So stupid me, brings them inside, while they are covered, and I mean covered head to toe, in mud, into the house.  Evan immediately starts running around in circles, while I try to pry Aden's shoes off of him.  They were a bit wet, so it was a pain.  So now I have mud all over the rug, the couch, everywhere.  I finally get the shoes off and tell Aden to get undressed and into the bathroom.  I had to chase Evan, he thought it was a brilliant game.  Meanwhile, Aden decides to imitate Sam and do a spectacular shake that managed to get mud on the walls and ceiling.  Sam decided it looked fun, so she did it too.  More mud on the walls.  I still hadn't caught Evan, who is now rolling under the coffee table to avoid me.  I felt like one of the people who try and catch greased pigs at fairs.  I was not having much success.  Eventually, Mama cat decided to help, by getting her fat ass off the couch and standing in the doorway, hissing at everyone.  When Mama talks, everyone listens.  That stunned everyone long enough I was able to catch Evan.  I didn't bother trying to take his clothes off, I just carried him up to the bathroom.  Aden, decided to be generous and actually follow. Sam tried too, but Mama was blocking the doorway and wouldn't let her pass.  I had to give Mama a stern talking to. lol.  She eventually moved over a bit, and started licking her butt, so Sam could get passed.  I finally got everyone, including Sam in the bathroom.  After shutting the door, to hopefully prevent anyone escaping, I put them all in the tub, Evan with his clothes still on.  They would have to be washed anyway.  I considered it a pre-rinse:)  After, washing, rinsing and repeating a few times, I finally got them clean.  But now my house is trashed.  After threatening them with a slow and painful death, if they left their bedroom before I was done cleaning, I proceeded to clean my way downstairs.  Dinner was delayed by 2 hours, its hard for me to clean the 14 foot ceiling, even when standing on the ladder. 
They actually must have taken me seriously, because they did stay in their room, till I called them.  They hadn't had a good day anyway.  For 3 days I asked very nicely for them to clean up their room and put the toys where they belong.  They were told that if they didn't, I would clean their room and they would loose all of their toys.  They didn't clean it, so I took 2 big black trash bags with me, and I cleaned it.  I left them 1 stuffed animal each, 1 toy truck and one small buzz lightyear.  That was it.  I didn't throw their toys away.  I did tell them that they can earn the toys back, if they behave & do their chores.  So, I made up a point system. At 10 points they can pick one toy to get back.  They get a point for doing their chores or doing what I tell them to.  If they whine, talk back, fight or otherwise irritate me, they lose a point.  They so far have 1 point each, but their room is spotless  and I haven't stepped on any legos:)
I think that just about covers it.  I'm off to wash the mud crusted clothes:)


Running Circles On A Planet Called Earth said...

I wonder if your mud is the same they have here??? Think think think. This mud/CLAY is wonderful for mud pies. I remember making mud pies as a child and the worms are great!!! One thing my girls missed out on. I so can't imagine the mud shake down in the house, wow is all I have to say! Thank goodness momma steps in to help out pretty sure that's her way of earning her keep. I've never been to a wedding. I would so love to attend an over priced party!! Expecially since its not me havening it ;). Point system brilliant! ! Wont work here the girls are completly happy sitting and doing nothing. I've even threatened taking all clothes with the exception of 5 uniform outfits for school and beds away. Didn't work they like the floor. Oh oh oh!!! Guess what I saw last week forgot to tell you. I was in Muncie the town/city? We wanna move to, anyway I swear it was the Nannies car. You know from the show. I wanted to direct her to Elwood Middle but I so laughed and Penguin was confused to what I was laughing at. But I thought of you!

Melissa said...

lol I hear she is retiring, must be nice :) The clay is good for mud pies & flinging, bad for planting root veggies :)