Mama |
Mama cat showed up around 2002 on our porch in Florida. She spent a few days hanging around and then brought two black kittens with her one day and just dropped them off and left.
But what cute little girls they were!. She showed back up later and Gracie kept trying to nurse. They looked a bit old for that so we decided to try and get them completely weaned. Gracie was named that because she was the most uncoordinated cat we had ever seen. Monkey was named that because she was always hanging off of something. We soon discovered that Mama was pregnant. So we brought all the cats inside.
Soon we had kittens, 6 little kittens, every single one was of course, like all kittens, adorable. As soon as they were weaned we took mama to get fixed. The vet thought at that time that she was around 8-9 years old. Old for an outside cat and not to expect her to live very long. But she was very health otherwise. She had a mean streak though. If a neighbor's dog looked at her, she would go after it. This is no bullshit. She jumped a fence once to get at a neighbor's boxer. And she did get him. A full Size boxer.
The kittens all got good homes but we kept Mama, Gracie & Monkey. About 2 weeks after Mama was fixed, we let her outside.
Next thing we know she comes back to house dragging a very sickly looking kitten, black of course. She just dropped him in my feet. I picked him up. I thought he was just about dead. Took him inside & checked him out. Very, very skinny, fleas, just covered in fleas, limp as a noodle. Called the vet at rescue pets and they made him an appointment. Used dawn dishwashing detergent to get the fleas off of him. I have never seen a cat act like that during a bath. I had to put most of him in the water to kill the fleas and he just laid there as calm as can be, with a tiny, weak purr. Got him to the vet, he had every kind of worm a cat can get, a nasty infection, starved, ear mits, and leukemia. The vet said he probably wouldn't live very long. But we decided to keep him and see. We eventually got him all healed up and he was called 'Dart'. We stopped letting Mama go outside after that.
When we moved up here they were all happy with all the room. Dart kept the stairs dusted with his remarkably long tail. He even managed to fall off the stairs, yes the cat fell off the stairs & did not land on his feet. He was okay just stunned. He was never the brightest of cats, but he was a good cat. He finally started wasting away in April of 2009. We to put him to sleep. It was hard but best for him. He had a good life and is will always be missed.
We estimate Mama to be around 16 years old now. She's still mean but doing well. When it gets cold its hard for her to get around so we make sure she stays inside in the winter. She doesn't care for Sam the newest rescue. A pitt bull mix puppy who is entirely too excited for Mama. But Mama tolerates her.
Sam |