Boys will be boys? Never really thought about that until I had a couple of them. So Far I have learned way more than I want to about why people would say that. Boys will pick their noses and eat anything they find in there. Apparently, telling them not to only makes them do it more. They also are very smelling most of the time. Farting is funny. The word 'Underpants' is the most hysterical word ever invented.
And my all time favorite thing, the hand on the goods, constantly. Really all the time. I have tried telling them that it is theirs. No one is going to take it away, please stop fiddling with yourself in public, no one wants to see you do that. This just gets me a very puzzled look, but doesn't actually stop anything.
I think the problem is me. I don't have a penis. Maybe I just don't understand.
Potty training is what tends to start about this behavior in this house. Pull-ups don't work for us. Didn't work for either boy. Naked or no underwear, no diaper, no pull-ups, seems to be the most effective. But like most moms, I bought into the pull-up trap. "your kid will feel like a big kid' yeah right. They used them like diapers. I did/do still use them at night with the youngest one because he doesn't wake up at night. Commando is working for him. Naked worked for his older brother, be he potty trained in the summer.
Winter is another story. So I try to keep him in at least a shirt. Now his brother potty trained in about 4 1/2 months so he was completely potty trained by 3 1/2 years old. Our current one being a bit slow. He will poop every single time in toilet, but peeing is what we are having issues with. We did figure out that potty chairs are wasted on him, so we got rid of them. We have a Dora seat that sits on the toilet, he loves using that. It is getting better since he is now tall enough, if he stands on his tiptoes, to pee without a step stool.
In both of the boys defense. They have exceptional aim! There are very few misses.
With the first boy, I was typical panicky new mom. By the time boy #2 showed up a mere 15 months after #1, I was alot more laid back. I didn't call the Doctor 5 or 6 times a day.
Maybe I should back up a bit.
When most people meet me, mom is not the first thought that comes to mind.
When my husband and I told his parents we were going to have a baby, my father-in-law said, "You are going to be someones mother?". Yeah, I got that that alot.
Its not that I am a mean person or anti-children, its just that I don't come off as very warm & fuzzy. I'm not. I am typically not an affectionate person. I have gotten alot better since the birth of my oldest boy, but I am still not very fuzzy.
I breast-fed both of my boys. The oldest nursed until 6 days before his brother was born, he quit on his own. I am not someone who is going to go all out ranting that you must breastfeed your child or your a terrible mother. I personally don't care if other people do or not. I did it because, to be perfectly honest, I am lazy. I am also cheap. I already have everything to feed them, so why waste time & money investing in bottles and formula. having to get up in the middle of the night to fix a bottle sounded stupid to me, so I didn't do it.
Now I spend alot of time playing referee. They will fight and argue about anything. It starts the second they open their eyes till they finally pass out from exhaustion at night.
If anyone needs Super Nanny its me. But I don't need her to come and spend a couple of days, I need her to move in!