Thursday, April 7, 2011

Stopping Smoking Day 12, Allergies, Neti Pot, Masons & Zumba in a Haunted House

Its like day 12 or so of the stop smoking saga, I am having a hard time keeping track lol. But, I am doing pretty good.  Now I am to where I can go without a real cigarette, but, I still occasionally want one.  Or just a puff or two of the real thing. It appears that my little experiment is working.  I switched the cartridge to the chocolate flavor, and it it so yummy.  I like it better than the vanilla one.  The vanilla one was great too.  The tobacco flavored one was pretty good, but I still don't think it is tobacco flavor.  What flavor it is, is a mystery to me, but it is pretty good too. I have given myself one more week to cheat if I want to with real cigarettes and then no more. 

 One of the companies that we had set up to give us an estimate on the columns showed up yesterday.  Ninety minutes late and no call.  I hate that, I really do.  Before I get side tracked and start ranting about why I dislike tardiness, I'll just get to what he said.  He said it can't be done.  Simple as that.  Mudjacking will not work, Better fine a good mason.  Then he left.  He only looked briefly at the front of the house.  I would have preferred a bit more of an explanation.  The only reason I can think of, would be how the columns are made.  They are hollow inside, we think, and sitting on pillars of brick.  So, injecting  concrete under the pillars wouldn't work.  But then, I don't know, I am just guessing.  We do have a few other companies scheduled to come out, so we'll see what they say.  I will in the mean time go ahead and call some masons to see what they have to say.  I already know that by going the mason route, its going to be pricey and very time consuming.  I do not want to wait 3 months for the roof.  I want it done now.  So I had this idea for Bill.
Use house jacks to jack up the porch, next to each column to get the porch roof up to level.  Then we can have the roofers do the roof and worry about the columns after.  We can't wait on the roof, nor can we wait too long on the columns.  If we do the roof, before the columns, then we will be wasting money having the porch roof done.  Once we have the columns fixed, it would end up pushing the roof line up.  We'd have to have the roof rebuilt. 
I really think it can be done, as long as the roof is pushed up where it should be, before the roofers start.  Then the mason can take his time, rebuilding the pillars under the columns.  We already own 3 or 4 house jacks.  We had to have them when Bill first started working on the house and had to bring a couple of floors up to level.  Some idiot had sawed through a floor joist in the basement.  So that is where we stand on the roof/column/cluster F***. 
Have I mentioned that I am not all the fond of contractors????

Moving right along.  Aden was absolutely miserable yesterday!!!  I wasn't too back until about 4:30 pm then the pollen started kicking my ass. Then I was miserable for the rest of the night.  It was so bad, the neti pot didn't even work, but that was probably because I waited to long to use it. I am praying for rain today.  Just one day, with rain, so we can breath for a little while.

Nana & Papa should be here about dinner time to fetch Aden.  Evan is so excited that Aden is leaving, He packed Aden's bags yesterday.  Brotherly Love, its such a beautiful thing. Evan thinks they should come and get Aden this morning.

About 3 weeks ago, the boys started telling me that there projector was coming on by itself.  Its this thing for babies that projects stars and moons on the ceiling or wall and play lullabies.  I've kept it because they really like it.
Anyway, so this projector appears to have taken on a life of its own.  I have even heard it start playing when no one is in their room.  I thought maybe since it was getting old, maybe the wiring was loose or something inside it.  Or that maybe it was playing if someone jumped or something to close to it.  The boys and I tried jumping next to it to see if it would start playing, it didn't.  Sam doesn't have thumbs so I am pretty confident that she isn't turning it on.  Who knows maybe the ghosts just like Brahms.  Whatever the cause it is pretty amusing.  It goes off at the strangest times.

I am still doing the Zumba.  I still love it.  I have decided though, that while I love salsa music, I am not all that fond of HipHop.  Some of it is okay, but it just isn't something I get all excited about.  So, I thought I would figure out my music to do Zumba too.  I have settled for now on Santana, because I have always loved Santana.  A little Aerosmith, I was pretty surprised that Walk this Way, works for Zumba. Those are my additions for now, other than those I'll stick with the music that is typically used. 

I have started working on a new knitting project.  I am working on a hat with cat ears.  Dark gray with pale pink inside the ears.  The knit is very tight and I am worried that the hat may end up to small for the person I am making it for.  I might get to see this person in a couple of weeks, so I wonder how tacky it would be to go up and measure his head?  It seems a little strange, but since i am the one running around with a measuring tape, it may not seem that odd to the people I assault with it.  They all know  I am prone to odd behavior.  I am also having a little trouble with the band for the hat.  The light gray I had picked out looks a bit stupid, I may need to get another color or just do the band in the same gray as the rest of the hat.  I am sure I'll figure it out, eventually.

Still haven't been able to find out if Bill will be able to take off for Passover.  His mom wants to do it the 19th, but Bill has to work.  Somehow Fran has it in her head that she has to have the first or second day.  I can't seem to convince her that it does last 7 or 8 days depending, and we could easily wait until Friday or Saturday to have the dinner.  Bill is off on Fridays, we could actually attend.  I would hate to miss passover, it is by far my favorite of all the Jewish holidays. 
I am sure we will figure that out too.  Its going to be a really long day.  The boys are going nuts waiting for Nana & Papa.  I should go work on laundry and get the rest of Aden's stuff packed. 

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