Alrighty then, got a bit of gardening done yesterday. Got the Irises, Sweet William & some Marigolds planted around the maple tree in the front. I figure they should be safe from the roofers there. We also 2 rows of wax beans planted. So we are well on our way to getting the garden planted. The boys and I will see what else we can get in today. I need to figure out where I can safely put my herb garden so it doesn't get trampled.
Everything is all set to start the roof. They should be able to start Wednesday or Thursday, depending on the weather. It should only rain thru Wednesday, so hopefully the forecast will hold and they can start. I think the dumpster is scheduled to be delivered Thursday regardless. We have settled on some colors, I think, but who knows. We are a ways off from painting.
Bill has figured out what he is going to do about the porch. In order to get the North column back in plum, he has to replace a joist, and re-deck the porch, which he was going to do anyway. That however, can wait until after the roof is done.
Passover was awesome!!!! It was so good to see everyone, well almost everyone. Barry had to work, so that was depressing, but the food was good and the boys were fairly well behaved :) We didn't get home till after 11pm which I knew was going to be a problem and it was. Sam and Mama alone, in the house for long periods of time, usually means trouble of one kind or another.
Apparently, Sam had problems holding it till we got home. It was a mess. I ended up staying up till almost 2 am cleaning up pee, crap & blood. Not sure what Sam did this time to annoy Mama, but she was a bloody mess. The couch is micro-suede, and it took forever to get the blood off of it. Glass Cleaner is what I finally had to use. I know sounds strange, but it worked. I just had no idea a dogs ears could bleed that much. I think Mama isn't just scratching her, I think she is biting her. I think we might want to consider a life insurance policy on Sam, just in case. They seemed to have worked it out by the time we got home, because they were both hanging out on the couch, watching me clean.
We discovered yesterday, that the kitten Gravy, is in fact a girl, not a boy as we had originally thought. Which gives Gravy a much better chance of getting into the house. Bill is a sucker for girls :)
It looks like half of the mud from outside, is now inside. The boys kept running in and out yesterday, so I am going to have some massive cleaning to do today. If I was smart I would wait until we are done outside today to clean it up. But, I can see the chunks of mud all over the floor and it is starting to get on my nerves lol. But, this is one reason we only have wood floors, its easy to clean :)
I might well go ahead and do it now. The boys are actually occupying themselves in their room and besides it is sprinkling now. We may have to wait a few days to plant anyway.
Well, its already 9am and I haven't gotten anything done today, I want to get alot of crap done today, just in case tomorrow doesn't go well.
I still have hopes that the doctor can do whatever repair work he needs to do without keeping me in the hospital more than a few hours. I guess we'll find out tomorrow afternoon :)
Anyway, I better get busy. Happy Easter :)
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